= CIS Help Article Template Just start typing in the white space below. You can use this template as reference, deleting the rest when you are done. When you click the close button all changes will be saved. Nothing in this title section will display. :quick-uri: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/ Content entered directly below the header but before the first section heading is called the preamble. == First level heading This is a paragraph with a *bold* word and an _italicized_ word. This is another paragraph.footnote:[I am footnote text and will be rendered at the bottom of the article.] === Second level heading .Unordered list title * list item 1 ** nested list item *** nested nested list item 1 *** nested nested list item 2 * list item 2 .Ordered list title . ordered list item .. nested ordered list item . ordered list item This is a paragraph. .Example block title ==== Content in an example block is subject to normal substitutions. ==== .Sidebar title **** Sidebars contain aside text and are subject to normal substitutions. **** ==== Third level heading [[id-for-listing-block]] .Listing block title ---- Content in a listing block is subject to verbatim substitutions. Listing block content is commonly used to preserve code input. ---- ===== Fourth level heading .Table title |=== |Column heading 1 |Column heading 2 |Column 1, row 1 |Column 2, row 1 |Column 1, row 2 |Column 2, row 2 |=== ====== Fifth level heading [quote, firstname lastname, movie title] ____ I am a block quote or a prose excerpt. I am subject to normal substitutions. ____ [verse, firstname lastname, poem title and more] ____ I am a verse block. Indents and endlines are preserved in verse blocks. ____ == First level heading There are five admonition labels: Tip, Note, Caution, Warning and Important. Use these sparingly; like one or two per article. TIP: this is a *tip* NOTE: this is a *note* for information CAUTION: this is yellow *caution* WARNING: this is orange *warning* IMPORTANT: this is red *important* for danger // I am a comment and won't be rendered. The text at the end of this sentence is cross referenced to <<_third_level_heading,the third level heading>> == Callout Markers ---- This is a callout. Must be at end of line // <1> And has to be inside a block to work ---- this indented block works too // <1> notice one space on the left in editor window. this doesn't work // <1> <1> callout explained == First level heading This is a link to the http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/[Asciidoctor User Manual]. This is an attribute reference {quick-uri}[which links this text to the Asciidoctor Quick Reference Guide].